Coffee Machine
PSSR Inspection
Is your coffee machine compliant?
If you have a commercial coffee machine that incorporates a pressurised vessel, then it is essential that you have a PSSR (Pressurised Steam Safety Regulations) safety inspection.
If your machine is older than 14 months, then you have a legal obligation to meet the requirements of PSSR2000 by arranging an annual safety inspection.
If you do not hold a current safety inspection certificate your warranty maybe void and it could invalidate your insurance policy in the event of a claim.
Our Most Popular Machines
PSSR2000 and HSE Pressure systems, are two documents which cover the safe design and use of pressure systems. At Café Rico, our competent engineers can perform a multipoint inspection of your coffee machine and perform the relevant safety tests to ensure your machine is operating safely at the correct temperatures and pressures ensuring the safety of you, your staff and customers.
Our test includes:
- Full strip down of the coffee machine by our engineer
- Drain down and remove the heating element to inspect the boiler internally and externally and further endoscope inspection where necessary, then rebuild with new gaskets where appropriate
- Test/replace the safety valve and anti-vacuum valve along with all relevant gaskets and seals
- Ensure all operating pressures and temperatures are correct
- Rebuild and function test the whole machine under our written scheme of examination (WSE) to comply with PSSR2000
If your machine passes the examination, the WSE will be safely stored in our offices, and you will be issued a certificate from our head office.
If your machine fails the examination, we will inform you of any parts or process required to repair and reinstate it to working order.
You cannot use the machine until it has been repaired and passes the PSSR examination.

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We’re here to help you make the most of your coffee experience.